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How To Create a Facebook Retargeting Audience

Today you are going to learn how to create a retargeting audience on Facebook.

Creating Facebook retargeting audiences is super simple and easy.

What is retargeting?

Retargeting is a form of digital advertising with the purpose of bringing back specific website visitors who have yet to convert on a specific page on your website.

Facebook retargeting ads are very powerful. It is one of the easier ways to get more conversions.

Why should I use retargeting?

The great thing with retargeting ads is that there are so many ways to reach the audience that you want.

You can create a Facebook retargeting audience simply via a custom audience.

For a more advanced version, you can create a retargeting audience through the combination of custom and saved audiences.

Here’s what you will learn in this Facebook Ads Retargeting Audience Tutorial

  • How to create a retargeting audience based on website traffic

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