CNY Biotech Accelerator, Upstate Medical University

The Facebook Ad Shift: Seamless Applications, Great Talent


The renowned CNY Biotech Accelerator was on a mission. Their 2023 Medical Device Information Challenge program sought out the brightest minds in early-stage commercialization of medical devices. But the quest was daunting. How do you attract a pool of unmatched innovators from a vast digital space?


With a meticulously crafted database of potential prospects, we launched a razor-sharp Facebook ads campaign. But here’s the twist: recognizing the nuances of tracking, we took the bold move to streamline application submissions directly on Facebook. The result? A surge in quality applicants, seamless user experience, and a program enriched with the very innovation it sought.


DRP successfully increased the original pool of applications by 89%.

Increase in Applicants
0 %
Increase in New Users Post Campaign Launch
0 %

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