Central New York Business Journal
Increasing paid subscriptions and newsletter sign ups.
In the digital age, multiple news entities have popped up promoting “news” which is aggregated but not sourced or verified, confusing the area’s business owners and managers who represent the Business Journal’s traditional audience. The confusion had created a loss of paid subscribers. The Business Journal tasked Digital Reach Platform (DRP) with creating and implementing a brand-awareness campaign designed to differentiate the company from the competition and increase paid subscriptions and newsletter lists.

DRP surveyed former and current subscribers as well as those who had never subscribed in order to understand what was important to the readers in terms of content and delivery. DRP then developed a digital marketing strategy focused on utilizing Facebook and Instagram advertising, along with retargeting ads and search engine marketing.
The campaign increased the Business Journal’s paid subscriber base by 14%, and a 96% increase in newsletter sign ups, which resulted in 374% return on investment.