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Dominating Facebook Marketing in 2019

Dominating Facebook Marketing in 2019 can be a struggle. We all know that your reach on Facebook has constantly been decreasing. Do you know why? It’s because Facebook wants you to pay for your reach. Facebook is now all about pay-to-play. The days of posting an image with some text and expecting it to reach your audience is dead.

However, there are still some creative ways that you can get your message across on this social platform and lucky for us, Neil Patel goes over a few tips on how-to dominate Facebook marketing in 2019. 

Tip 1: Creating a Facebook Group

Instead of just posting on your Facebook page, it is time to create a Facebook group. You don’t want to create a group just to create one, you need to build one that is meaningful. A meaningful group tends to be active and growing.

Tip 2: Engage With Others In Facebook Groups

Engaging with Facebook groups will help you expand on Facebook. Don’t just post links to your website. Provide meaningful content to your group but also other groups.

Tip 3: Generate comments

Neil mentioned that in 2018 and the early part of 2019, Facebook gave priority to videos. There are just too many videos on Facebook.You need to change your approach. Post content with the goal to generate comments. Generating quality comments shows Facebook your content is engaging resulting in Facebook showing your posts more often. 

4: Engage Your Audience Through Tools on Facebook

In the Neil Patel video, it was suggested to use such tools as, MobileMonkey and ManyChat. Both of these platforms are fantastic tools to engage with your audience. What both of these tools do is it allows you to leverage Facebook Messenger and create a subscriber base. With your Facebook subscribers, you can constantly send messages and updates via Facebook messenger.  

5: Consistency

This one is self-explanatory. Be consistent by posting quality content. The rest will take care of itself.

These five tips will help you continue your success despite Facebook’s Algorithm.

Here is the full video:

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